Managing sustainable procurement 16th Apr 2021 Managing sustainable procurement risks and opportunities is a balancing act. Hope Kiwekete discusses the importance of understanding the principles related to sustainable procurement, and provides advice on how organisations should choose and utilise suppliers. The principles of sustainable procurement are many: accountability, transparency, ethical behaviour, full and fair opportunity, respect for stakeholder interests, respect for the rule of law and international norms of behaviour, respect for human rights, innovative solutions, focus on needs, integration, […]
Navigating travel risk with ISO 31030:2021 14th Jun 2022 Organisations and travellers alike are constantly seeking opportunities to minimise or mitigate potential travel-related risks. In September 2021, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published ISO 31030:2021 Travel risk management — Guidance for organisations. Travellers whose organisations have robust travel management policies may have an advantage should eventualities strike For this insight, focus will be placed on some of the terms and definitions from ISO 31030:2021. Duty of care is the […]
Takeaway lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic 8th Apr 2022 Businesses that have endured the pandemic have each had a different experience, and they have gained takeaway lessons. The most important of these is probably “be prepared”. The Covid-19 pandemic has wrecked many businesses and exposed the vulnerability of society. Countries worldwide are now taking bold decisions and accepting the reality of living with the pandemic. Here are some more takeaway lessons that have emerged. KNOW YOUR ENEMY Anyone who has […]
Psychosocial risks and worker well-being 8th Feb 2022 Every worker deserves a safe and secure working environment, but despite the attention given to occupational health and safety (OHS), eliminating psychosocial hazards and related risks remains a challenge. Consequently, the impact of these risks is felt not only in households, but also across organisations. There are many tools and best practices devoted to employee well-being in the workplace. The focus of this article is to provide an insight into ISO 45003:2021 […]
Putting the focus on people 10th Dec 2021 Whether during normal operations or in times of upheaval and uncertainty, organisations are justifiably concerned with how their employees are engaged at work. To achieve the quality management system’s objectives requires an “all hands on deck” effort. A focus on people engagement is, ideally, a priority for any organisation. But how can it be achieved? In April 2020, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the ISO 10018:2020 Quality management — Guidance […]
Is your supply chain attack-proof? 18th Oct 2021 The aim of the Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 96:2017 Guide is to assist organisations to improve the resistance of their food and drink supply chains to fraud or other forms of deliberate attack. The extent of food fraud incidents is staggering. Some food and drink establishments may have had first-hand experience of deliberate attacks on their supply chain. The challenge is whether these establishments had the relevant processes in place to detect […]
A rose by any other name? 24th Feb 2021 The popular reference from William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, is often used to imply that the names of things do not affect what they really are. But we’re living in a topsy-turvy world where the name stays unchanged but the context is changing … Organisations may decide to either develop, implement and maintain management systems standards such as ISO 9001:2015 […]
Managing legal risks 8th Oct 2020 The mere mention of pending or potential legal issues tends to cause a shiver down one’s spine! Hope Mugagga Kiwekete provides insight into ISO 31022:2020 to dispel any chills The general school of thought is that legal issues are a nightmare. The complex environment in which organisations operate has equally contributed to an increase in legal risks. Whether it is product liabilities or non-adherence to contractual obligations, any significant risk exposure could spike a […]
The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the fact that there is no better time to communicate than during a time of crisis, and the uncertainty it’s created reminds us that risk will always be part of life This outbreak is undeniably affecting our lives and businesses alike. However, what strikes me is that, whether for better or worse, communicating about risk has gained prominence. It is like watching or listening to breaking news! Post Covid-19, organisations will have to reassess their […]
The ISO 20700 Guidelines for Management Consultancy Services offer a wealth of information for delivery of management consultancy services. Here are some insights Despite the unpredictable economic climate, there is still demand for management consulting services. At the same time, it is a cutthroat profession with a notion of survival of the fittest. Tom Lambert, author of High Value Consulting, maintains that the only reason for organisations to use external consultants is to gain significant added value. Certainly, any one […]